Thursday, November 26, 2009

The signature of the contract...

Hi's done. We've got the space!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Espace Jean Brillant / Sorry it's writing in french, because i'm bad...

Voici quelques images de l'espace que vous connaissez déjà, sans doute.
Nous avons un rendez-vous avec M. Brillant, mercredi le 30 septembre à 18 hrs. Vous êtes les bienvenues afin de constater les lieux.
L'adresse du lieu est le
661 Rose de Lima métro Lionel-Groulx.
Nous vous communiquerons le détails de notre rencontre ce Jeudi

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Eastern Bloc

I visited the eastern bloc today and they were very open to the idea of the photo 400 show. They are currently getting back to me on a price but they have a space of about 2500 sq ft. This would not be enough space for all of us but I think it could work in conjunction with the space above my studio (435 beaubien) or another space that people might have in mind. They have put up quite a bit of wall space and are very open to the idea of putting up more. As well this place has full studio lighting. The bar you see in this photo will be moved

Another view of the main space at eastern bloc

These are the areas of the main space that we were talking about putting walls in

They have these hanging wall things going on right now but we could take them down.

Another room in the eastern bloc. All the stuff you see is part of a theater residency that is going on right now and would be gone when we need it.

more space

There is also another small room that we could have access to. It is about 300 sq ft. perfect for video.

small room 300 sq ft

Space above my studio

These are images of the space above my studio.
The main room has electricity but is lite with florescent lights. Jake Moore from the FOFA is on good terms with the landlord and offered to put us in touch with him. The space with electricity is divided up into 4 sections with drywall. The floor space is equal about 3000 - 4000 sq ft. As of yet I have no idea about price.

Main room with electricity

There are also two space right next door with drywall and some brick but no electricity. I think we can convince the landlord to get some power in this room. Only one of the rooms has drywall. We would rent out this room if we didn't want to. They are about 3000-4000sq ft

Another picture of the main room with electricity

second room with no electricity

another part of the main room with electricity. There is a bar and a bunch of drywall walls. Behind me there is another room about 200-300 sq ft. that would be perfect for video projection.


This space needs quite a bit of work however I think that we can get it for quite cheap.